Gratis 17. mai-frokost for studenter i Oslo

Ill: SiO
Ill: SiO
SiO inviterer alle studenter til gratis 17. mai-frokost, med god mat, leker, lett underholdning og alt som hører til en tradisjonsrik nasjonaldagsfeiring i hovedstaden.

Arrangementet finner sted i hagen i St. Olavs gate 32 fra kl. 08 og er ferdig tidsnok til at du får gode plasser for å se barnetoget ankomme slottsplassen like ved siden av. Et perfekt utgangspunkt for en innholdsrik feiring! Velkommen!

May 17th breakfast for students! Start Norway's National Day in a traditional way right in the heart of Oslo. SiO invites all students to a free 17th of May breakfast with typical May 17th games, entertainment and everything that makes a good old-fashioned May 17th celebration.

The event starts at 8 AM and is finished in time for you to to watch the children's parade just a stone's throw away. A perfect starting point for a full national day celebration.
The event takes place in the garden of St. Olavs gate 32, right next to the Royal Castle Park, and is free for all students.

Kilde: Pressemelding SiO.

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